Sandra Gulland: Q & A

Notes on the Writing Life


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Sunday, April 6, 2008

What's next?

A reader writes: "Are you going to write more stories about the court of the Sun King? You did such a great job with the historical details and as I have studied Louis XIV and his court — there are plenty of interesting stories to tell (including the adventures of the Princess Palatine, even La Grande Mademoiselle and Lauzun, a couple that united even after a prison term and old age only to break up over greed). You could even do a trilogy of Louis XIV's Mistresses — you've done La Vallière, next could be Montespan, then Maintenon (the king's mistress, then second wife). Or a novel on Princess Henrietta as she has a tragic back story with her father being killed, her brothers Charles and James, and she had several romances during her marriage to her cousin Monsieur that are interesting reading, including one lover who was her husband's boyfriend who falls for Henrietta and became a master of disguise to see her at any cost (De Guiche--who visited her as a fortune teller, a litter bearer and in a domino so he could romance her in Philippe's presence at a masked ball).
What wonderful suggestions! I am considering writing a novel about Athénaïs (Montespan), but it might focus on her first engagement more than her relationship to the king. I'm not sure. It could also be a story told from the point-of-view of Des Oeillets, her maid who was the go-between between Athénaïs and Voisin, the convicted poisoner.

I love the De Guiche stories, and in fact wrote many scenes of him hiding in the fireplace and disguised as a fortune-teller, etc., but these scenes, like many, many others, now lodge in my cut file.

As this reader points out, there is a wealth of wonderful stories to be told. The hard part is choosing.

1 comment:

bookie said...

Hi Sandra
My name is Stephanie. I have just finished reading first book in the Josephine B. trilogy. unfortuately my library and any library in the East Anglia area, do not stock a copy of the second book. I have been told that it is out of print. I would be very grateful if you have any idea where i can borrow or purchase a copy of the second book before i read the final stage in her life.
Thanks very much for your help. Your writing is amazing. i am an avid fan of all historical reading but yours takes it one stap further. There were times when i felt part of the book and with her through some of the worst times in her life.
